We won our first home game yesterday! yeeeah. :D Coach Wootten was so proud of us. :D We lost the first game and won the second and third one. (:
I had plans with Ashley and Monika for that night - Midriver's Mall. I was supposed to be home at 6:30 pm. However, we had to wait till the Varsity game was over and it was really really intense. That's why it took so long. It's a pity they lost. We deserved it. Anyways, I was home at 7.15 pm. I'm glad that Jenna's mom gave me a quick ride home. :D I took a shower, ate and got ready. Ashley and her boyfriend Nick picked me and Monika finally up. We arrived at the mall at 8.30ish pm. :D So we had like half an hour to walk around and to see what a true American mall looks like, it is not supposed to be one of the best malls though. :D But it reminds me A LOT of galeria krakowska <3 I miss it so freaking much.
We didn't really buy anything..but I hope we go there again soon. :D Afterwards we had a slushy and relaxed in a park. At 10 pm I was dropped off my house. (: It was an amazing day.
Tonight I went with Gianna and Abby to a carnival. Janet, Kim, Michael and Jaden joined us. Niko, Nick and Elise were there also and I got to know Tyler, one of Niko's friend. There were a loooot of Pattonville people and Gianna introduced me to almost all of her friends. :D I also met a French exchange student going to Pattonville.
And I had a funnel cake. Dude, that was yum!
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