Sonntag, 29. August 2010
August 27 - August 29 in Sullivan (:
I spent this weekend at Sarah's house in Sullivan! I got to know her at the student's orientation that we had in Germany. CHI orientation was on Saturday and because nobody could drive me Cindy picked me up after school on Friday so that I could spend the night at her house in Sullivan. It was pretty much fun there. Lionel, Cindy's fiance, is SO silly, it's so much fun to have him around. :D
The student's orientation was good though all the topics we discussed were pretty boring since we all covered that stuff in Germany before. However, it was a good refresher. It was great to get to know all the other exchange students from all over the world. We had some from Mexico, Finland, Belgium, France, South Korea, China, Columbia, Spain, Brazil and of course Germany. (:
On Sunday Cindy, Sarah and I went to St Louis to the festival of nations where we ran into Janet and Kim! :D
OMG, it was SO hot. After that we went to a Hard Rock Cafe in St Louis and then to the Arch - my first time in St Louis..yeaaah! :D
The student's orientation was good though all the topics we discussed were pretty boring since we all covered that stuff in Germany before. However, it was a good refresher. It was great to get to know all the other exchange students from all over the world. We had some from Mexico, Finland, Belgium, France, South Korea, China, Columbia, Spain, Brazil and of course Germany. (:
On Sunday Cindy, Sarah and I went to St Louis to the festival of nations where we ran into Janet and Kim! :D
OMG, it was SO hot. After that we went to a Hard Rock Cafe in St Louis and then to the Arch - my first time in St Louis..yeaaah! :D
Sonntag, 22. August 2010
Hey guys!
Omg, it's been a long time since my last post. Sorry for that.
This week was crazy! I had lots of homework to do and took 3 quizes. I haven't thought that it'd be so much. After school I have Volleyball practice everday and get home at 6 pm. So there's not much time left to do any homework or to study. That's why my schedule got changed AGAIN. I dropped Concert choir and took Ac Lab instead.:)That gives me more time at home.
Anyways, I finally got my Volleyball uniform, YAAAAY! I'm so excited. Next Tuesday is our first game. I can't wait.
This weekend is / was the Festival of little Hills. Rieke came to St Charles to visit the brother of her hostmom and after that we met at the festival and walked around and talked. That was fun. :) I enjoyed the time with her! :D I hope we can repeat it soon. It sucks that she only stays for 5 months. :/
Weeell, I'll see her next week at the student's orientation. :)
Samstag, 14. August 2010
Freitag, 13. August 2010
Friday the 13th

Okay the first 3 days of school are over. I'm getting slowly used ot it. I still have problems with finding the rooms though. :D But well, people are very friendly here and show me where to go. :) Thanks guys! ;)
Homeroom, French and Algebra were fun today.
We have an exchange student from France in French now. She's stayling like me a whole year. We got to know a lot about the culture and French people so that we could compare American, French and German culture and analyze the differences and similarities. That was pretty interesting. :)
Algebra and Homeroom were VERY easy today.. that was the fun part. :D
Plus, today I found out that I made the Volleyball team. WOHOO! Well, it's just Freshmen team but anyways. I don't have the experience for JV or Varsity. Playing Volleyball is the point, isn't it? ;)
We had girls night tonight.
Janet, Gianna and I went to TGI Friday's again. ;D And we wanted to go to the movies theatre but actually we are all pretty tired so we skipped that and stay at home. :)
Mittwoch, 11. August 2010
first day of school and volleyball tryouts.
from August 9 - volleyball tryouts
August 11 - first day of school
Volleyball tryouts were okay. The others I compete with are really really good though. I don't know if I'll have a chance to make the team. However, I try and give the best I can. Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow who's in the team or not.
And even if I didn't make the team, I found some good friends to hang out. :) It is just so much fun! That's why I hope I was successful at the tryouts.
First day of school was kind of confusing, but really fun. :) My schedule was changed twice! Instead of Algebra 1 I'm in Algebra 2 now. For some reason the counselor put me in a freshmen course?! Well, whatever. And I skipped Speech and took French instead. That was definetely the best class today! I enjoyed it so much. I'm happy that I changed it.
Actually the first day was quite boring. There was lots of paperwork and assignments needed to be done and the teachers went through all the rules and expectations in class etc., not that interesting. My locker didn't open and I again needed someone helping me to fix it.
First day could have been better but I still have hope :)
August 11 - first day of school
Volleyball tryouts were okay. The others I compete with are really really good though. I don't know if I'll have a chance to make the team. However, I try and give the best I can. Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow who's in the team or not.
And even if I didn't make the team, I found some good friends to hang out. :) It is just so much fun! That's why I hope I was successful at the tryouts.
First day of school was kind of confusing, but really fun. :) My schedule was changed twice! Instead of Algebra 1 I'm in Algebra 2 now. For some reason the counselor put me in a freshmen course?! Well, whatever. And I skipped Speech and took French instead. That was definetely the best class today! I enjoyed it so much. I'm happy that I changed it.
Actually the first day was quite boring. There was lots of paperwork and assignments needed to be done and the teachers went through all the rules and expectations in class etc., not that interesting. My locker didn't open and I again needed someone helping me to fix it.
First day could have been better but I still have hope :)
Samstag, 7. August 2010
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